Round 2: Summer, Liberty & Travis, Part 3

Start from the beginning here, or check out the links at the bottom for posts you might have missed.

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Liberty's collection of...nature...makes for interesting viewing while chatting on the phone with one's best friend.

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Speaking of the bestie...Summer & Candy decided to continue their conversation at the park while looking for cute guys, as both of them are currently single.

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The park has a bar, so Summer poured them some drinks.

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They chatted for a bit about music, dance, the club, how Yuki was doing...the usual stuff. [Cameo of Hugo in the background!]

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Candy didn't feel like Franks n' Beans so she volunteered to cook dinner. Candy doesn't really know how to cook anything more than a grilled cheese sandwich....but she managed some hot dogs.

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After awhile, a guy named Justin stopped by their table. He wasn't Candy's type, but that's okay because Summer was digging the professional look.

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Summer and Justin hit it off really well. She was flirting, he was flirting back and things were good. So, feeling a bit more confident, she decided to take a more direct approach in their conversation and it did not go well. She headed home from the park feeling quite rejected and embarassed.

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Liberty has been showing quite the talent for being handy. Travis' stereo broke and he couldn't listen to his talk radio while working on the computer. Fortunately, Liberty was able to fix it quickly.

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Summer met this friendly stranger at the park one day. He offered to play chess with her, but they mostly just chatted. He was a bit odd, but nice.

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Apparently, Travis needs to be social even when doing things that should be kept more private. I wonder if the person on the other end knew?

Letter #3 (Dear Therapist)

I forgot to include the suggestion boxes last time. I assure you that was entirely accidental, and I really do want your suggestions! I went away for the weekend just after posting (only about 15 minutes later, in fact) and I wasn't able to correct the problem before a bunch of people submitted.

New? I suggest you start this series at the beginning here.

Dear Therapist,

I'm not really in the mood to talk with you, right now. In fact, I'm not really interested in talking to anyone. I'm just in one of those moods, where I'd rather curl up on the couch with a book instead of doing anything productive.

(yesterday) Happy Friday!

(yesterday) Happy Friday!

My week was pretty stressful and tiring. I have to admit, though, I really enjoyed most of today (Saturday). I was finally able to go to the library as you suggested. A few times I became tense from all the people there. But, I did have fun browsing the books and reading in such a lovely space. I read most of Gentleman Corgi: A Memoir. I will try to make a trip to the library part of my weekly routine.

Evidence of library visit.

Evidence of library visit.

What is going well in my life? Huh...let's see...well, my job I guess. I've already gotten a few promotions, so I guess my bosses are pretty happy with me. This week I got a "thank you" from someone in the office as an urgent package came for them, but their name was smudged. I hunted them down, so the package was still delivered on time. Outside the office, I try to fill out some reports every evening. They don't pay me extra to do this, but it needs to be done.


Here's my journal from the end of the week. Thursday was a bit rough. I had utility box problems, and I couldn't sleep because of a rat making noises. So, I called the Landlord. When i finally went to bed, my neighbor started being noisy.

I was exhausted on Friday, so I wasn't very productive in the evening. I feel asleep on the couch, and on the kitchen floor! I didn't get to file reports or finish the laundry. :(


Dear Therapist (Letter #2)

I suggest you start this series at the beginning here.

Dear Therapist,

I have started implementing your suggestion to track my emotions. While I was looking up ways to track emotions, I uncovered this thing called a Bullet Journal. Have you heard of it? Anyway, it's like a to-do list, a planner and a regular journal. I'm using it to keep track of what I need to do, and my emotions. Like this:

Sunday Bullet Journal entry.

Sunday Bullet Journal entry.

A lot of the Bullet Journals are very beautiful, decorated with stickers and drawings. I'd love to be able to do that, but I don't have the time or the talent.

You asked me about my dream job. Well, I really don't know. I would have loved to have done something creative...writing, painting, sculpting, music, but I have absolutely zero talent for those types of things. When I was a child, I really wanted to be a veterinarian. I'm definitely not smart enough for that, though!

View from my hallway.

View from my hallway.

Here are the other pages of my journal with my other emotion trackers:







Yeah, Wednesday was a little bit stressful. The utility box has been acting up in my apartment. I keep losing power, and it keeps sparking. I think I also have a rat problem. I called the landlord, which was also pretty stressful.

Fried utility box and dripping pipes. UGH!!!

Fried utility box and dripping pipes. UGH!!!

I got a promotion. I'm now an office assistant. I'm in charge of supplies, so I get to make important decisions like how many boxes of paperclips we might need in the near future.

Since things were pretty stressful, and I got a promotion, I rewarded myself with some pizza.



I'm an awful cook, so this was a pleasant change of pace!

Anyway, that's all for now, I'll write again soon.

I'm overwhelmed by all the people who want to help Kaye! This is going to be a wonderful experience, and I'm so excited! Thank you for participating. Every response means so much! <3

Dear Therapist (Sims Bujo & Self-care Challenge)

I suggest you start this series at the beginning here.

Dear Therapist, 

First off, I'd like to apologize. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be writing really. They just told me at the clinic that I should submit at least one entry to this address per week. I'm not even sure if I started the entry correctly.

The clinic assigned me this task because I've been feeling sick a lot recently, but they can't find any disease or anything. I was told it is because of my anxiety and depression. I have to admit, I'm a bit skeptical. I think I'm doing okay. Sure, life has been hard lately, but I'm managing. It's not like I've attempted suicide, or had some sort of mental crisis. I'm fine. But, I'm willing to try anything to make myself feel better. And, it can't hurt I guess.

I live in a small apartment in San Myshuno. I moved here recently when I got a job in the mailroom of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe. It's not great, but it pays the bills. I pretty much spend most of my time by myself sorting mail. I like not having to interact with strangers. I live by myself- no roommate, no pets, no boyfriend. It can get a bit lonely, but it suits me fine.

I don't have time for much of a social life. I don't know where all the time goes, but I always have things to do. On the rare occasion that I have some time, I like to read. 

So, I guess that's it for now. Oh, they told me I could send photos. I'm not sure what photos you'd want, so any suggestions for the future would be welcome.

This is me in front of the elevator at my apartment building.

This is me in front of the elevator at my apartment building.

And this is my hallway.

And this is my hallway.

This is my living room.

This is my living room.

And that's my kitchen down there.

And that's my kitchen down there.

Alright...that's all I have. Let me know what I should do next.

Thank you,


A/N: The Bullet Journal will show up in the next post.

Our first Bachelor Contestant!

Meet our very first bachelor contestant...Kelsi Lothario!

Kelsi is a confident beauty who combines sexy playfulness with a girl-next-door charm.

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Kelsi is athletic and active, and loves yoga! She'd be a great match for anyone who can keep up with her energetic lifestyle.

Kelsi was created by Meka, and downloaded from the gallery!

Want to give Kelsi some competition? Submit your own Sim:

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 28 (Saturday)

It's a day off for Edith! She is hoping to spend sometime with her boyfriend and her good friends today.

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Edith had a weird dream.

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She dreamed a vampire crept into her bedroom while she was still asleep.

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He hypnotized her, and made her walk into her office (why she has no idea).

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He bit into her neck and then disappeared.

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Leaving her passed out on the floor.

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Edith awoke a bit groggy, but didn't think anything more about her dream. She met the Avant Gardes for a group hangout at their favorite coffee shop.

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They chatted in the main area while everyone ordered their drinks, and then dispersed.

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Edith and Gunther went into the club room- a private room in the back of the shop designed for the meeting of clubs.

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Yuki joined them. They read, and chatted about what they were reading. A nice pleasant afternoon.

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In the evening, Edith gave Anaya a call to see if she wanted to do dinner together.

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She was game, and they met at a restaurant.

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They had a wonderful time talking over dinner and drinks. It was nice to some one-on-one time with such a close friend.

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After dinner, they ordered a chocolate cake. Why not?


Edith is now entering the middle portion of her young adult life. It's time to make some changes to the Bujo and reevaluate our goals. I'll be adding extra collections to this slowly over time.


So far, other then the cover page, we've setup a section to record memories, and we've begun a level 10 life spread.


Here's Sunday's plan.

Taking Contestants! Bachelor & Big Brother!

I'm starting two different Sim challenges where I need Sims from you! You don't need to own the Sims to play along. You can either fill out the form below to provide me with inspiration to make a Sim for you, or you can just fill out the first section if you play the game and wish to submit a Sim!

You can submit to either of the games or both! All genders welcome for submissions to both!

Here is the form for the Bachelor(ette) challenge. You can also use this link.

Here is the form for Big Brother, and a link just in case.

Sneak peak at the Big Brother house!

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Edith's Second Letter to Dove

You can read Dove's Letter to Edith here:

Dear Dove,

It's seems like FOREVER since I have written to you, but it only has been a few days. Time is such a weird thing, don't you think?

How are you? How is your family? How did you meet your wife? live not too far from me. Have you met the weird very angry man that hangs out in the center of the neighborhood? I keep trying to befriend him, but he ends up just spreading his anger to me! It's so frustrating.

A couple days ago, I had my first kiss with Paolo! It has certainly taken us long enough!

Paolo, and my best friend, Gunther are getting along quite well. It makes me so happy. They often show up at my apartment at the same time!

I have mixed feelings about my neighbors. They are super sweet, and their son is simply adorable. However, they are frequently noisy at night and it's so frustrating when I am trying to write. Do you have any issues with your neighbors?

Tomorrow I have plans to get together with my good friend Anaya, whom I do not spend enough time with.

Here's a selfie of me and my best friend, Gunther, in my apartment.

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Your pal,


Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 27 (Friday)

Work was on Edith's agenda for the day, but she has tomorrow off. Edith has been happy with her work situation but feels she needs to publish more works on her own in the future.

In this photo, you can see the list of royalties she is receiving for her book so far.

After work, Edith was surprised by a visit from Paolo and Gunther. Edith (and I) love how the two most important men in her life, at present, are becoming friends. In this photo, I feel like Gunther also wants to be in on the hug. Gunther would like to as the Sims 4 team at EA to add adult group hugs.

Why do we bother with the meal planning, Edith? She was supposed to have pan-fried tilapia tonight, but instead with have this meatball. And she ended up not even liking the meatball. Made it'd taste better if she got the gross half-eaten oatmeal off the table?

Okay, Edith, my dear. Let's add "clean the apartment" to our daily spread for tomorrow, k?

I'm not certain if this is a reaction to the meatball or the apartment cleaning plan.

Here's a stalker-like photo...peering into Edith's office. She's typing to her new penpal, and swearing at her neighbors because they are being too noisy again.

Pleasant dreams, Edith.

I'd love to hear your ideas about Edith's spread! Do you want to see more? A more detailed daily log? More journaling? Let me know!

The Misfortune Legacy, Part 1.3- Well, at least Eugene is happy

New to the Misfortune Legacy? Start here.

When we last left off, Pearl was worried that she was pregnant. She was also wondering about the city taking photos for her social media brand.

She traveled around the city, meeting new people and snapping photos. All part of a day's work!

Soon enough, Pearl got the confirmation she was, in fact, pregnant. Eugene was over the moon. She delighted at his reaction, he'd be a great dad. And she could continue on with her life.

Eugene has also taken up photography. He is hoping he can start selling some of his photos from home as a supplemental income when the baby arrives.

These are some shots of him practicing in his backyard.

The street they live on....

...and the neighbor's home...

...and their wind chimes...

Speaking of neighbors, this one stopped by.

A few nights later, you could say Pearl considered him a new friend.

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 25 (Wednesday)

Edith's plan for Wednesday was from 8am to 4pm, have a grilled cheese for dinner, and then do whatever she felt like!

So, of course, the evening involved hanging out with friends.

She invited the club over to her house for a change.

Edith isn't bothered by the dirty dishes in her home even when company is over. She's a slob...if other people take issue with it that is their problem.

Edith actively sought out the younger members of the group this time whom she hadn't really gotten to know well yet. There are two teens in the group, Yuki and Hugo.

Edith and Yuki had some deep conversations at the kitchen table. Edith even shared with Yuki the financial realities of adulthood (and how she hasn't even saved enough to buy a shower yet). 

Edith also had a great time chatting with Hugo (during the evening she changed out of her work clothes). 

She had a great time with the club...reading, chatting, and discussing dinosaurs in detail.

Yuki painted Edith a painting during the course of the evening. Edith treasures it, and is going to have it framed.

Tomorrow, we have the day off! Our main goal is to call Anaya, as we haven't spoken to her in awhile.

Edith's First Letter to Dove

Dear Dove,

Arg! I had my whole entire letter already written, and then I had computer issues! You think being a professional writer, I'd have a better habit of saving my work often, LOL. Oh well, here's a fresh letter just a bit later.

Hi there! How are you? I'm doing very well. Thank you for agreeing to be penpals with me. I'm super excited to get to know someone new. I love meeting new people. In fact, hanging out with friends is one of my favorite's right up there with reading and writing. I spend most of my time doing those three things.

As I mentioned, I'm a writer. I'm a self-published Children's author, and I also work at a newspaper. Up until this past Monday, I wrote their advice column, but I've recently been promoted to regular contributor where I can write stories more interesting to me. Most of that will be serial short stories. I hope to someday be able to support myself and a family on just my author's salary.

I love reading and dancing. Sometimes I watch movies or TV, but I usually get bored with those pretty easy. For awhile, I was into fitness/wellness, but I admit it's been a little while since I've been to a gym! :) I like cooking, but I also love eating from food carts. Whenever I can be home, I try to cook a meal, but often I find myself out with friends at dinner time....Monday night I had french fries at the bar for dinner.

I hang out with my friends all the time. I'm in a club called the Avant Gardes for others who like to read and write. I hosted a meeting at my house last night. We had a great time, and one of the younger members made me a gorgeous piece of art! The day before, my best friend Gunther was at my apartment already when I arrived home and we hung out for awhile. And on Monday, my friends through a party for me at the nightclub for my promotion. And whenever I'm not hanging out with them, my neighbors are also great companions.

I wanted to get more photos for you before I sent this letter, but I haven't had time. I promise to have more next time. Here's a selfie I took on Monday night at the nightclub! It's with my crush Paulo!

I'm going to wrap this up with a few questions for you....What do you like to do for fun? What do you do for a living? Do you live with any family?

Talk to you soon!

Your new pal,




Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 24 (Tuesday)

Welcome back! 

Tuesday's plan was to work from 8am to 4pm, have dinner (garden salad), work on her writing, and then call a few friends.

When she arrived home, Gunther was there. He always knows when she's having a bad day and shows up for some fun after work! Edith and Gunther played some chess for awhile.

After which, he kept her entertained while she made dinner. Despite the fact he had no plans to stay for dinner.

After Gunther left, Edith took a shower. She relaxed with some television (the classics station).

While she was watching, she called Paulo and they chatted before she went to bed.


Wednesday is more work with Grilled Cheese for dinner, and her plans are to do whatever she feels like doing.

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 23 (Monday)

Before we check in with Edith today, I just wanted to thank everyone who stopped by my website thanks to the link in the Bullet Journal July Newsletter. I appreciate you checking on my Sims challenge, and I hope you continue to check in. Also, if anyone has any spreads that they'd like Edith to try out, please let me know! We are Bullet Journalers so tweaking is always happening! Should she have more detailed spreads? More actual journaling? More collections?

Edith's plan for Monday was pretty, dinner, writing and some phone calls. Of course, we've already seen how those plans can go astray!

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At work, Edith was promoted to Regular Contributor at work! So, of course, the Avant Gardes took her to the nightclub to celebrate!

After sharing some fries with Maaike at the bar, while they waited for everyone else to get there, they spent the evening dancing. 

Edith ran into Paulo, her newest crush! They took a selfie together. When are these two going to start dating?!


The Misfortune Legacy, Part 1.2- There is some love

New to the Misfortune Legacy? Start here.

Despite the impression that you may have gotten last time, Eugene and Pearl are very much in love.

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They recently went out on the town for a date, where they spent most of the time sitting under an umbrella chatting about their future and their love for one another.

It ended with a very romantic evening at home.

Here's a little nighttime tour of the outside of their home.

It may not be fancy, but it's a fun place to hang out, when the curse isn't acting up.

They have plenty of room to have a bonfire, play some games, and have a nice cookout.

With this in mind, it's time to make some friends. They had a couple of guests over....Pearl entertained them while shy Eugene made everyone lunch.

After their guests left, they played horseshoes together in their backyard.

Pearl went out on the town with her new friend while Eugene stayed home to clean the house and watch TV.

Pearl began to not feel so great that night. She began to wonder if she was pregnant. Not something she wanted to be. This really stressed her out. Is she pregnant? We'll find out next post! Pearl does NOT want any children.

On a side note....Pearl is in the social media career, here is one of the photos she posted on her social media accounts when she was visiting the city (something she does often, without Eugene).

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 22 (Sunday)

Sunday, the beginning of Edith's work week.

Edith started off with a healthy breakfast of oatmeal.

Her weekly royalties were also deposited into her account. She's starting to go quite the impressive collection. Not enough to become an independent author, but it definitely helps with the bills.

Fish tacos for dinner.

Edith finally met her neighbor's son! We thought she was pregnant when they first met.

Edith read him a story. That out fit. Those sunglasses! What a little charmer!!!

Here's tomorrow's game plan!

Edith has also started working on a bookshelf collection in her Bujo!

The Misfortune Legacy, Part 1.1- Meet Eugene & Pearl

The Curse of the Misfortunes started many generations ago. The land was once fertile and prosperous back when Ally Anne Misfortune married Albert. Together they had twin boys, Bob and Billy Barn. Bob and Billy never got along and fought fiercely. When Albert died, they were supposed to work the farm together. However, Billy tricked Bob in to signing over his half of the property and later got him arrested for trespassing when he tried to return. Bob died a couple years later, stressed, unmarried and homeless. Since then, every generation (Carlotta, Dotty, Dallas, and now Eugene) has been incredibly unlucky with a life full of challenging circumstances. Eugene tried to escape, but when his parents passed away, he found himself moving back into the home, with his new wife, Pearl.

The house was said to be cursed....even people who visited there somehow managed to come out feeling mean and dirty. Objects broke all the was a bad place.

(Simmer Note: Lot Traits- Filthy, Cursed and Mean Vibes).

Eugene's dream is to have a big happy family. He loves kids. Unfortunately, he's a little squeamish about messes, so he's a little worried about all the gross things that kids will do and bring into his home. He also can get jealous from time to time. He wasn't given as much affection as he should have received when he was a child, so he guards any he gets very closely. He's a bit lazy, and has no major career goals at this time.

His wife Pearl, is very different from Eugene. Most importantly, she hates children. On top of that, as Eugene has not figured out yet, her aspiration in life is to have as many romantic partners as possible. She doesn't like cleaning, and she often leaves messes laying about. She doesn't mind working, but she hops from one job to the next...she can't seem to find her passion.

While their relationship has never been smooth, by any means, they do tend to fight more now that they've moved back to the Mistfortunate Farm.

He appears to be accusing her of leaving food everywhere, and I think she might be telling him that if he got a job maybe he'd have less time to worry about the house.

Eugene is still very much in love with Pearl, so he left her a drawing on the family bulletin board as an apology.

When bored, Pearl either plays basketball or just goes out to a nightclub.

Eugene watches educational television.

Their neighbors, like Johnny, sometimes come over to play basketball.

Or horseshoes in their big back yard.

Simmer's Note: My goal is to make Eugene happy, despite his unfortunate circumstances. I'm going to try to play the game realistically and within the bounds of what the characters would do. I'm not going to get Eugene promoted several times by making him work his butt off. I'm going to let him be lazy. We'll work towards what he wants at the time, regardless of what that will mean for the long term. Offspring of Eugene will follow the same rules and inherit some of their parents not-so-nice traits.

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 20 (Friday)

Friday was a day off, but after last night, Edith had planned to take it easy.

Here is Edith's plan for the day.

Edith journaled about her experience last night.

She was inspired to do some writing, but Jesminder and her husband were being noisy, so Edith was getting frustrated.

Later in the day, Gunther came over to play chess, and Jesminder popped over for awhile as well.

After Gunther left, she took a nap and followed that up with some reading and telephone conversations.

Her final bujo summary.

Sorry about the fuzzy quality of the last photo, it was taken in haste.

Thanks for reading! Please leave comments, questions, and suggestions for Edith. I love chatting about the Sims!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 19 (Thursday)

Edith thought Thursday was just going to be a typical workday, but she was pleasantly surprised....

She started off the day by getting inspired before work. She played around with the lump of clay she keeps in her apartment to get her creative juices flowing.

She made a lovely statue.

After work, she practiced a bit of chess....

...and did some painting.

She made the Pho she had planned to have for dinner that night. After dinner, she planned to read and go to bed early.

However, Maaike invited her to go out to a club in Windenburg. Edith was in a good mood and she was off of work tomorrow, so she agreed.

She ran into Marcus and he introduced her to some of his friends including this guy Paolo, whom she immediately hit it off with. They all chatted outside the club for awhile before heading inside.

The Avant Gardes had a great time hanging out with Partihaus. Edith danced with her crew.

Despite being excellent dancers and a bit intimidating, the members of Partihaus were actually very nice and welcoming.

Edith kept her eye on Paolo the whole evening.

They chatted inside, as best they could...despite the short time they were together, they were starting to form a deep connection.

Edith felt super confident and had an amazing time.

The club was just so energetic and vibrant. She stayed there as late as possible before heading home and crashing.

The completed daily bujo.

Tomorrow's plan.