Edith Walsh's Bullet Journal: Day 1

In the last post, I described my new Sims Challenge that I'm currently developing. The Sims 4 Bullet Journal Challenge involves making a journal for your Sim to plan out their activities in advance, helping them achieve a well-balanced life.

Here is our test subject- Edith Walsh. We are going to be following her life and her Bullet Journal.

Here is her week one spread:

The calendar currently contains her work schedule and her meal plan. Below that we have a small habit tracker (Breakfast, Workout, Writing) and a Quality Tracker (happiness, writing, social, work, yoga/wellness, finances, environment and learning. On the other side, we have her goals, her to buy list, her to read/watch list, places she wants to visit, house projects, and a section for notes and memories. Down the bottom is a mood tracker that she will use to track her mood three times a day (Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening, etc....) 

Edith began her day by starting to write a story...a Children's story about a single blue shoe's epic struggle to find her sole mate. Edith had moved to San Myshuno to take a job as a writer's assistant. She hoped to someday be a published author herself. Before she began writing, she had begun setting up her office...desk, office chair, and computer. The walls were still blank and the room needed more light, but she'd fix those later.

Edith was greeted in the late morning by a welcome wagon of neighbors, Arun and Jesminder were a young couple from across the hall. It's possible that Jesminder is expecting. With them were two other neighbors, an elderly woman named Geeta and young guy named Raj. 

Edith was very anxious to make friends in her new city, so she welcomed them into her home.

They stayed and chatted for quite some time. 

After they had left, Edith went about reading the Lucas Dark series. It was on her to read list, and the prior owners had conveniently left it on the bookshelf! 

Later in the evening, Arun came to visit again...he was bored and wanted to hang out. They hung out for awhile, and then Edith went to bed.

Bullet Journal Updates: Edith crossed a few items from her lists and updated her tracker. She decided she had better try to workout tomorrow since she didn't do so today.