The Misfortune Legacy, Part 1.2- There is some love

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Despite the impression that you may have gotten last time, Eugene and Pearl are very much in love.

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They recently went out on the town for a date, where they spent most of the time sitting under an umbrella chatting about their future and their love for one another.

It ended with a very romantic evening at home.

Here's a little nighttime tour of the outside of their home.

It may not be fancy, but it's a fun place to hang out, when the curse isn't acting up.

They have plenty of room to have a bonfire, play some games, and have a nice cookout.

With this in mind, it's time to make some friends. They had a couple of guests over....Pearl entertained them while shy Eugene made everyone lunch.

After their guests left, they played horseshoes together in their backyard.

Pearl went out on the town with her new friend while Eugene stayed home to clean the house and watch TV.

Pearl began to not feel so great that night. She began to wonder if she was pregnant. Not something she wanted to be. This really stressed her out. Is she pregnant? We'll find out next post! Pearl does NOT want any children.

On a side note....Pearl is in the social media career, here is one of the photos she posted on her social media accounts when she was visiting the city (something she does often, without Eugene).