Meet Emmett Trout

This is the story of Emmett Trout. Emmett moved to Brindleton Bay from a place, and people, he'd rather not remember.

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Despite his mature appearance, Emmett is quite young, only just out of school. He doesn't expect he'll have much in his future. He is perfectly content with his new one bedroom home, near the beach and just enough money to get by. He knows he doesn't have the brains or the charm to make it further.


Emmett spent every penny he had on his small home and it's meager furnishings, but he is quite happy with the results. He's not really the type for decoration, or even keeping things tidy for that matter. He just wants a comfortable space to call home.


Emmett is a bit lost in life. He desires companionship, but doesn't know where to find it. He wants to belong, but doesn't know how to make friends. He's not sure what he wants to do for a living, as nothing much interests him. He likes books, dogs, the beach and his couch.

More Emmett updates are on their way.

Maggie Moyer #23

Marcus, Maggie's friend, invited Maggie to the gym to work out. While she was there, Maggie introduced herself to several people she hadn't met yet. She met a lovely couple, Brant and Brent, who work out together. Maggie got along well with them both. She hopes it's the start of a new friendship!

Maggie talking to Brent and Brant.

Maggie talking to Brent and Brant.

Maggie Moyer #20

Maggie came home energized from her brisk jog around the neighborhood. She returned in a great mood ready to tackle some work on her home comput...


Maggie was completely stunned.

(Maggie doesn't have any pets yet this was her kitchen when she arrived home).



Gordon & Salvador #13

Gordon isn't quite as articulate or charming as Salvador. He attempted to start a conversation with a woman he met in the park, Vera, but it didn't really go all that well. Gordon is on the lookout for any potentially datable Sims. He's a bit of a romantic, and is actively seeking a relationship.

Gordon attempts to chat up Vera.

Gordon attempts to chat up Vera.

Gordon & Salvador #8

Out of all the people Salvador has met so far, he feels most connected to Sofia. Just like him, she has a cheerful personality and a positive outlook on life. She is also a talented musician, and Salvador adores music. 

Chatting with Sofia. Check out the outfit of the person behind Salv, though. Those pants! :heart_eyes: 

Chatting with Sofia. Check out the outfit of the person behind Salv, though. Those pants! :heart_eyes: 

Gordon & Salvador #5

In the Gordon & Salvador household, washing laundry is a source of entertainment and a favorite chore. It seems like there is always a cycle going, and they like to stare at it go 'round and 'round. Fortunately, this does lead to a lot of fresh smelling clothing. 

"All my life is a delicate cycle, a delicate cycle..."

"All my life is a delicate cycle, a delicate cycle..."

Bonus You Tube link! This post reminded me of this song: 

Gordon & Salvador #4

Gordon and Salvador also met Nancy Landgraab, Johnny Zest (who came over to welcome them to the neighborhood) and Federico Blount. Salvador is naturally a bit on the awkward side, and isn't conventionally attractive, so he tries really hard to make people feel good about themselves, and to laugh. 

Chatting up the neighborhood.

Chatting up the neighborhood.