Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 16 (Monday)

Here was Edith's plan for Monday.

She had a fairly simple and quiet day planned...work, dinner, whatever she felt like doing, call one of her friends...maybe call Travis, maybe do a little writing and then bed.

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She got home crazy late on Sunday evening thanks to the promotion party, and when she got home she really wanted to bathe before going to bed. Just after midnight, Don called with his own offer to celebrate. Edith was too tired and had to work in the morning, so she declined.

She was pretty stressed when she came from work on Monday. She was pleasantly surprised to find Gunther waiting for her at her place. He let her vent for awhile, he's quiet an active listener.

When she started feeling a bit better, they watched a movie, "Simder". 

It was a total snooze fest for Edith, but between the movie and chatting with Gunther during it, she was distracted enough to start relaxing again.

After Gunther left, Edith purchased a Chess table. 

The night was still young and she was a in great mood now, and she totally forgot she had to work on Tuesday, so she went out for a night on the town!

Edith went to the karaoke bar that's right across the street from her apartment. She met one of her coworkers there, and enjoyed her favorite cocktail while chatting with her and some other people she didn't really know.

Travis showed up and they had a great time conversing about a wide variety of things, and they even flirted a bit. After he left Edith was even more confused.

So she belted out a pop song before heading home.

Here is the completed Monday daily spread.

And below it, we have some doodling as Edith tries to figure out what the deal is with Travis and if she should try to pursue a relationship.

And finally, a plan for Tuesday!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 15 (Sunday)

Sunday was another work day for Edith. She had a simple plan for the day.....


But that plan had changed by the time she got home that evening. She was promoted to "advice columnist". And her co-workers wanted to celebrate her success by taking her out to the Oasis Dust Bowl.

Her promotion also came with a new chair for reading.

Gunther was the one to coordinate the celebration and met her outside the bar.

She enjoyed some dinner while chatting with all her co-workers.

Edith's co-workers!

Edith was pleasantly surprised to find Travis at the bar. After their meeting at Singles night, she was developing a crush on him, and she new he was on the market which increased the appeal. She was under the impression, after their great conversation the other day, that they were on the same page. She did a bit of playful flirting and then asked to exchange phone numbers.


We were both so shocked, that we forgot to take a screenshot!

Luckily, Gunther was nearby ready to swoop in and take some silly selfies!

Sunday's recap.

Looking towards Monday!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Week Three Setup!


Here we have Edith's filled in Week 2 Checker Life Check. Green is the best category, so she did quite well in week 2.

Here is her Week Two spread at the end of the week. She experienced a lot of happiness this week, but was also uncomfortable and tense more often than we'd like. She needs to seek out new ways to feel inspired, since that didn't come up often and she's trying to be a writer!

She improved her charisma, cooking, fitness, wellness, writing and dancing! She also learned many new recipes.

She has a new financial spread. She is trying to save up $900 (in addition to her regular savings goal) to purchase a shower/tub combo...so she has the option of taking a shower or a bath, instead of just a bath.

Here is her Week Three setup. I didn't write down all her work times yet, since I think she'll be getting a promotion on Sunday. Her goals are very similar to last week but with her total whims and total savings higher, obviously. She also wants to turn one of her friends into a "good friend" this week.

And finally, here is our plan for Sunday!

If you have any ideas for spreads that you'd like to see included please let me know!!! If you'd like to see more information, more journaling, etc...we can expand!

Thanks for reading!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 14 (Saturday)

Edith also had Saturday off. She had been looking forward to Saturday all week - Singles night at the bar! Her love life was lacking, despite the fact she already knew she wanted to settle down and have children in the near future.

First, she needed to do some apartment cleaning! Oh Edith, what a mess!

Before going out, she relaxed on her computer for awhile. She did some research on vampires, as she had heard that supposed sightings of vampires were increasing. 

She went to a club meeting, where she enjoyed some coffee with Gunther. 

She then went into the club's designated area to work on writing. It was inspiring to work in a different setting. 

She got to the bar a bit early for singles night, and quite hungry. So she had some french fries while waiting for more people to show up. 

She hit it off with two new guys- Travis and Johnny who she convinced to join her on the dance floor. Don was also there, of course, and joined in. There was a stranger with interesting fashion taste who leered at them disapprovingly while they danced.

Travis and Edith did chat alone for awhile in the corner of the room, and she made another friend!

Here's Edith's completed Saturday daily spread, plus a new savings collection. The next post will contain her new weekly spread and updates to the monthly pages!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 13 (Friday)

Edith had Friday off from work, and she had a really busy day!

Maaike called and asked if she wanted to go to breakfast at Villa Bovine.

It was a weird choice, as it turns out, as they don't really have a breakfast menu.

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They had a very pleasant conversation.

Edith ask Maaike what she knew about Gunther, but despite him being in the club, she didn't really know him that well yet.

Their breakfast choice was fruit and yogurt parfait with tea. They both loved it and were super excited about it.

Edith heard some commotion behind her. In this lovely and quite fancy restaurant, some parents were laughing and looking on as their child did this...

Edith pondered how she would be parenting the situation differently. Edith certainly doesn't mind messes, but there is a time and a place.

After breakfast, Edith went to a yoga class. While she is definitely improving her abilities, her low level is still quite obvious.

She was definitely shaky while trying to do the moves. Fortunately, the other person in her class was not suceeding either.

Eventually, they both exceeded their ability levels and came crashing down. 

Edith went to the library to do a bit of reading. She chose "Fitness Vol. 1", and this attracted the attention of Marcus (the overly fit and confident dude at the gym). They got to chatting and she ended up helping him resolving a problem he was having with a friend.

In the evening, she went to the spice festival where she was able to harvest some fresh produce.

She also met this guy Masato who was cooking food on a grill. 

She chatted with him and Cherish for a bit, before Don spotted her (he works at a food stall) and joined them. 

Hanging out with Maaike and Don had raised her relationships with them both enough for her to consider them "friends". 

Tomorrow was another day off!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 12 (Thursday)

Thursday was another day working as an article writer at Walrus Books.

After work, she sent out her second book for self-publication, Abby the Kitten. 

She did some reading. 

And then watched the World Culture Network (possible her favorite channel, as she seems to request it often). 

She ate Franks n' Beans for dinner.  Overall, a quiet day socially, but very productive in her career.

Updated daily spreads!

Updated weekly spread.

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 10 (Tuesday)

Tuesday was another work day for Edith. Her plan was to go to work, have a garden salad for dinner, and then focus on her own needs...something she had been ignoring the past couple days.

After work she was feeling really tense, so she had a bath with a lavender soak which made her feel much better.

She then spent sometime reading on the couch.

Her garden salad was better this week than last week. Her skills in the kitchen are improving...the right amount of dressing is key.

She wanted to do a bit of socializing, so she knocked on Jesminder's door and they chatted for a bit. Edith talked to her about the Avant Garde. Jesminder is very nice, Edith loves the way she dresses.

Here's Edith's completed daily spread for Tuesday. It was a bit of a boring day because of work. She has Wednesday off, so hopefully that will be a bit more interesting.

Thanks for reading!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 9 (Monday)

Edith worked from 9am to 5pm on Monday. She made samosa for dinner, a recipe she learned from one of the food stalls.

She wanted to relax, so she watched television while she ate. Unfortunately, she couldn't find a channel she enjoyed.

After dinner, she finally got to do some writing. She finished her children's book and published it herself.

Here's her completed daily for Monday!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 8 (Sunday)

Sunday Edith was scheduled to work from 11am to 7pm. After work, she had planned on working out or maybe doing some writing.

Before work, Naoki, the mixologist (bartender) from the romance festival called her up. This was a total surprise. She had a couple conversations with him, but they were not anything flirtacious. 

However, he said he couldn't get her out of his mind, and wanted to know if she'd go out to breakfast with him.

She thought "why not", and went. Things were fine, but there wasn't any chemistry between them. He didn't like kids (a big turn off for her) and she was weirded out by the headphones around his neck.

He was also both angry and tense, and it just felt awkward. Oh well.

She got a promotion at work! So much for the plan to write or workout. The Avante Garde gang wanted to take her to a nightclub to celebrate. They danced and had a great time. She didn't get home until very late!

Here's Edith's daily spread with some notes, her tasks checked off, and a filled in Life Check. Her job and finances are in good, so are marked in green, thanks to her promotion. She had a social activity, so social is also green. However, she didn't get any writing in, and she didn't spend much time taken care of herself.

Here is her weekly spread filled in, as well as some mood tracking.

She also added a recipe collection to her BuJo to make meal planning easier!

Edith's New Bullet Journal Setup

As I mentioned, I caved and bought Edith and I both new, official, bullet journals. Edith needed more space and I desperately wanted a dot grid. 


They only come in two colors, so Edith got the more vibrant one, of course. Mine is black.

Since the Sims don't have months or seasons, I'm breaking down the weeks by life stages. I'm playing Edith on the long lifespan, so the next four weeks or so will be her early "young adult" years. I'm defining 4 weeks in the Sims as a "month" for purely organizational purposes.

Here you see the beginning of Edith's Checker Life Check (developed by BujoBoosted on YouTube and Instagram). Edith has identified the eight categories of her life she wants to focus on for the next four weeks. The ones closer to the center of the grid are the most important. The ones near the far corner are the least important. 

Most Important: Personal Satisfaction (measured by Whims completed)

Moderately Important: Writing (defined by her skill level and books published)

Moderately Important: Social (defined by friendships and social events)

Somewhat Important: Romance (defined by dates and romantic interests)

Somewhat Important: Learning (defined by total number of skill points)

Least Important: Work (defined by job performance and promotions)

Least Important: House (defined by tidiness and new items)

Least Important: Finances (defined by total savings)

Obviously, other categories such as family will become relevant once she gets older.

Monthly Goals Spread- Here is a list of goals we are aiming to achieve over the next four weeks. It gives us a base line for the Checker Life Check ratings.

Month One Memories- We'll fill this in as she makes good memories!


Week One (Two) Weekly Spread- I changed this to say "Week Two" because it's technically her second week. On the left we have a calendar for work, meal and event planning. Beneath that is a small habit tracker (writing, work out, wash dishes, reading). We then have a place to list tasks she wants to complete. Her weekly Checker Life Check. We are tracking her moods a bit differently now (based on total number of times she was in that mood). 

In addition to the daily spreads, which you'll see in our next story post. She is also making additional spreads to keep track of things such as skills.

Thanks for reading! What do you think of Edith's new journal? 

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 7

Here's some scribbilings of what I'm considering adding to Edith's new Bullet Journal! Very excited!

It was Saturday, and Edith had the day off. She had yet to complete her weekly house cleaning, so she checked that off straight away in the morning.

Myshuno Meadows is a lovely park, though it seems to be setup more for weddings than the usual anticipated park activities. Edith will need to remember this park for later, when the day finally comes!

It had all the amenities with no setup required. It had a building nearby that Edith visited (mainly to use the bathrooms). It was very fancy, and it would be a great place for a reception.

Edith consulted a guide map about the park, though it didn't tell her any information she couldn't already learn from looking around.

Edith decided to change and go for a jog around the park. 

I enjoyed following Edith around on the paths and getting to observe the beautiful scenery.

The park was a lot bigger than we first realized!

More park! Lots of places to sit and enjoy nature, and I even spotted a place to go fishing.

Edith took advantage of the bathrooms to change back into her normal clothes.

After all that running, Edith was hungry so she had some Pho from this foodstall that was in the park. She was awful at using the chopsticks, and the food was a bit too spicy for her, but she enjoyed it anyway.

Finally, she needed to check one more thing off her to do list- watch Roaring Vice!

Edith found the movie sort of boring, though she did not fall asleep this time. So far, Edith is 0/2 with movies. I wonder if she likes any genre out there! What sorts of movies do you think she'd like?

Edith was excited to see an announcement on the bulletin board in the hallway of her apartment building about the romance festival that evening. Her romantic life is non-existent currently! She spent a long time getting ready...a long bath in some rose soaks and a mud mask, as well as putting on an adorable party outfit!

She didn't see anyone of interest when she first got there, so she checked out the merchandise and purchased a snowglobe.

While waiting for some attractive, age-appropriate people to show up she got some vague and useless advice from the Love Guru.

She walked around for awhile, but no one caught her eye. A little bummed, she went back to her apartment to go to sleep.

Here's the last shot of her first weekly spread! She had a successful and productive week! She learned that she needs more space in her layout, so she purchased a new bullet journal. Edith is a bit of a slob, and this apparently extends to her journal. She'll try to work on that.

Much to our surprise, her journal arrived early! I've started setting up some initial spreads! Here is a sneak peak!

Thanks for reading! I love comments, questions, suggestions, questions for Edith herself, or anything else...just leave a note below!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 6

Edith and I are both very excited! We are both getting new Bullet Journals! We are getting better notebooks- better paper, page numbers, etc... so that we can take our planning more seriously. Our journals will arrive on Tuesday in the mail. For now, we are both practicing new spread ideas in our old journal.

House cleaning, as you can see, is one of the only goals on Edith's weekly list that she has yet to accomplish! However, she is eating breakfast. Another dot in the habit tracker for this healthy start to the day.

Edith's primary objective today was to go to work! She did manage to do some redecorating of her bedroom in the evening.

More of Edith's bedroom upgrades. What do we think of the color scheme?

Here's the view from Edith's bedroom window....in case you were curious!

Edith stuck with her meal plan and had salad for dinner. Her execution of the salad was not to her liking, but she needs more practice if she wants to learn how to make a decent meal!

Here is Edith's spread as of Friday! I think she needs more space (hence the notebook upgrade), but she's made great progress on her tasks for the week!

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 5 (Thursday)

Thursday was a day off for Edith, so she took some time in the morning to work on her children's book.

She then spent some time reading Crisis Barn one of the books on her to-read list. 

After that, she went for a walk in her neighborhood to check out the building and businesses. 

She checked out the waterside warbler, the locak karoake bar. 

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Finally, she attended a meeting of the Avante Garde club. 

She didn't get on with some of the members as much as she had hoped, but at least she was socializing.

Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 4 (Wednesday)

Wednesday was another work day for Edith. 

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She got started in the morning with breakfast, and then went to work from 11am to 7pm. 

My apologies for the walls-down photo, but I was excited to catch the screenshot. Edith managed to get a promotion already! How exciting! Her boss was impressed with all the reading she does.

Speaking of which, she read another book. The previous owners had left a children's book on her shelf, and she thought it'd be good to learn more about the genre she was trying to write in.

She also did some shopping and setup her office a bit more.


Here's Edith's updated Bullet Journal spread for the week. Edith needs to work on her handwriting. ;)

Edith Walsh's Bullet Journal Day 2

Whoops! As it turns out, this was Edith's first day of work. For some reason, we thought work didn't start until Wednesday!

Edith had a weird experience on Monday morning just before heading to work. An...interesting man was outside throwing a fuss. Edith tried to be cheerful to him.

However, the strange man just berated her. She was very surprised by his reactions. However, it did not impact her performance at work. She had a good first day.

As she had scheduled, after work she went for a jog around her neighborhood. 

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After her jog, she went to the Humor and Hijinx festival. She decided to participate in the competition- jokesters vs. pranksters. She chose to be on the jokester team.

To earn her team points, she had to go around to different people and tell jokes. She's new to comedy, so she wasn't the greatest, but people did seem to enjoy her material.

She even tried out her skill at the microphone. She wasn't booed off stage!

Her team lost the competition, but she got to enjoy a fireworks show at the end of the evening!

House cleaning is not some Edith does automatically. Thankfully, she has it listed as a goal in her journal!

Edith had a wonderful evening...she's exhausted and it's really late, but she doesn't have to work tomorrow. The plan for Tuesday is visiting the spa to investigate yoga classes, and possibly joining a club.

The "If My Sim had a Bullet Journal" Challenge!

I'm developing a new Sims 4 challenge that combines the Sims with one of my other favorite hobbies: Bullet Journaling!

I know this challenge won't be appealing to many since you need to love both bullet journaling and the Sims. That's okay, though...it's mainly for me! But if you do happen to start your own, please let me know how it goes.

This challenge is in development still. So, there are no official rules yet, but I will update them as I go, in case you are a Simmer who wants to try it out.

This will also be written as a story, so non-Simmers might be interested in following along as well, I hope you do!

The Purpose:

I'm constantly seeking ways to give my Sims a normal, balanced, challenging life. I don't play with cheat codes, I don't build mansions, I seldom max out skills, and I never seem to be able to afford the most expense items in the catalog. My Sims happiness and needs are front and center in their daily life.

What if Sims had a Bullet Journal?

In my Bullet Journal, I plan events, list out mu goals, note tasks I want to do, track habits, and reflect on my happiness and well-being. I started wondering if that could be applied to a Sims life, and this is what happened (pardon the scribbling):

Not only would this be a fun way to keep a Sims life balanced and focused on self-improvement. But it also would help me record their lives better. I can set the page up at the beginning of the week. Take notes as the week goes, and have a good look at the Sims life for that week.

I can also decorate the page to reflect the Sims mood!

The Play Test

I've made my subject:

Meet Edith Walsh. She is a bookworm and a slob. She loves to hang out with friends, but she also wants a family. Edith needs help managing her career, her house cleaning, her club meetings, and (eventually) a family. 

She also loves patterns and bright colors (so clearly she is a washi tape girl!)

In my next post, you'll see the first weekly spread I'm going to make for Edith to help her accomplish all her goals!